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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Diaper Machines

It all started with a simple question from one my friends - "Why dont you get into manufacturing of disposable diapers?" and for a minute, I stopped to think about it and tried to picture a diaper making machine. Then i searched in Google and the picture on the left is what a diaper machine looks like. It can be quite intimidating in size. Different machines have different capacities but on an average, they say a machine can churn out 200 diapers per minute.
The average cost in India ranges between 8 to 10 Crores, as we dont make them here. We have to import them from China or other countries. Personally, I dont think it will work in Indian conditions, but i believe of late, a few brave entrepreneurs have taken the risk of manufacturing diapers in India. The simple truth is that it is still cheaper to import them from China, Thailand, Turkey etc. Even though we are the second largest population in the world, we still do not manufacture disposable diapers.

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