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Thursday, November 1, 2007


1. Modeled on Pampers - Active Baby, fully breathable
2. Cloth-feel diapers
3. Sticking Tags
4. All standard diaper features
5. Imported from Singapore
6. One of the few brands that have large pack sizes in XL.
Price List
Size Weight Pack Size MRP
Small 3 to 7 kgs 16 175
Small 3 to 7 kgs 32 325
Small 3 to 7 kgs 64 650
Med 6 to 10 kgs 14 180
Med 6 to 10 kgs 28 335
Med 6 to 10 kgs 56 650
Med 6 to 10 kgs 84 950
Large 9 to 13 kgs 12 180
Large 9 to 13 kgs 24 335
Large 9 to 13 kgs 48 650
Large 9 to 13 kgs 72 950
XLarge 12 kgs+ 10 175
XLarge 12 kgs+ 20 325
XLarge 12 kgs+ 40 650
XLarge 12 kgs+ 60 950

Please feel free to post any comments on this product. So far reviews are pretty good, exactly similar to pampers but with sticking tags and better absorbency. Many mom's swear by the fit and gentleness of these diapers.


Anonymous said...

I like Drypers a lot. The fit is very snug. Initially, I was hesitant to try it as I was used to Pampers - Active Baby, but it took one shortage of Pampers to get me to use Drypers and now I'm hooked. Infact, the sticking tape is a lot softer than Pampers velcro option.

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